The number one reason patients see their doctor is because of pain. Pain comes in several forms including mental and physical, and is the most common symptom of disease. While Western medicine is quick to turn to painkillers, natural medicine seeks to stop pain at its source without the need for surgery or even prescription drugs. At MedLink Health Solutions, we guide you at each step so you can return to living pain-free.
What type of pain do you have?
The genesis of pain is inflammation. Inflammation occurs when tissue is injured and the body releases chemicals that cause swelling. This is a defense mechanism to injury, disease, or tissue irritation and is the primary motivator for patients to reach out to their doctor. Pain can fall under more than one category depending on your circumstance and can be difficult to describe. The main categories of pain are:
- Acute pain – Pain that is short in duration (a few minutes to three months) such as an ankle sprain
- Chronic pain – Pain much longer in duration that can be constant like lower back pain, or intermittent like a headache
- Neuropathic pain – Often described as shooting or stabbing pain, neuropathic pain is due to damage of the nerves
- Nociceptive pain – Pain caused by damage to body tissues, often described as throbbing and from an injury
Pain from injury
Accidents happen, and even a minor injury can become a nuisance. An injured knee can easily become chronic joint pain if it’s not properly cared for. Injuries are acute, or sudden onsets of new pain that often overlap with other pain such as nociceptive. If your injury is throbbing, hot, and swollen at the pain site it may be tempting to reach for the aspirin, but natural pain relief is more effective and better for your body.
Pain from chronic conditions
If you suffer from migraines or an achy back, you know exactly how chronic pain feels: stabbing, shooting, and sudden pain that affects your day to day life. It can be debilitating and the cause may not always be clear. Chronic pain is often linked to a health condition and requires an in-depth look to determine the best plan of action.
Treating your body as a whole
At MedLink Health Solutions, we seek to find the cause of your pain and create a customized treatment plan based on our findings. Your appointment with Dr. Sam and team lasts an hour, allowing us to assess you as a whole rather than treat individual body parts. By completing blood work and analyzing your lifestyle and diet habits, we treat your symptoms for whole body wellness–not just pain relief.
Healing from the inside out
Natural medicine, or naturopathy, heals from within. Our bodies are incredibly resilient and have the capability to heal themselves. When coupled with our regenerative therapies you’ll experience the healing power of nature. Our clinic utilizes the highest quality therapies and equipment so you can return to a life free of pain and disease, without the need for invasive surgery.
A comprehensive look at your genetics and lifestyle
No diet is one-size-fits-all. We come from different backgrounds and genetics which are a huge factor in determining what works best for you. Blood work can reveal hidden issues that you may be unaware about such as health issues, early warnings of a disease, and can pinpoint food sensitivities. Are you struggling with bloating, especially after meal time? You could have a food intolerance that is triggered by ingredients that appear to be safe, or that you don’t know about.
Lifestyle habits also play a key role in your health. A sedentary lifestyle increases mortality and doubles the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and more. Our team works with you to not only treat your pain but to prevent diseases from forming or progressing.
Natural pain relief for acute and chronic conditions
A better state of health doesn’t start with your doctor, it starts with you. By taking charge of your health you can drastically change your life with natural medicine. At MedLink Health Solutions we listen with an empathetic heart and love being the guides to a healthy life free of disease and pain. Our treatments and services are tailored to your unique needs so you can accomplish your goals.
Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine is an incredible tool for giving your body the push it needs. Even though our bodies can heal themselves, we sometimes need additional nutrients. Regenerative solutions are great for joint pain, inflammation, damaged soft tissues, and neuropathy. As a preventative medicine it keeps your joints healthy, meaning more time to spend with your family and doing the activities you love.
By utilizing natural growth factors and proteins, your body will receive natural pain relief at the source. X-rays and MRI’s only show a still image. This presents limitations that are solved with advanced ultrasound technology. An ultrasound shows the exact location of your pain in real time, taking out the guesswork of where your joint pain could be hiding. Once we know what movements are causing you discomfort, we inject Amnio (Amniotic Liquid Allograft), a product specifically formulated to advance soft tissue repair, replacement, and reconstruction. For more information regarding regenerative medicine, check out our previous blog.
Natural medicine: the natural solution to joint pain
Joint pain is an unfortunate reality that many of us face daily. This doesn’t mean that you have to stop living your life according to your acute or chronic condition. Pain management doesn’t have to include invasive surgery or prescription drugs with nasty side effects. By treating you from the inside out, your health will transform.
A non-invasive approach
At MedLink Health Solutions, you are not just another patient. You become family as soon as you walk through our doors. We love that many of our patients look forward to their appointments because they feel right at home. Because we take such a comprehensive look into your health history, diet, lifestyle, and emotional state, we know you at a much deeper level than a typical doctor’s office. Our goals are your goals and we continue to work towards a solution until it’s accomplished. Reach out to us today for a consultation so you can discover the beauty of non-surgical pain management.